(ai) Wealthy investors are able to control the market, buying entire collections and riding out bear and bull waves. In contrast, those who struggle financially often have no choice but to sell during a bear market in order to make ends meet. Many collections operate like pyramid schemes, with the initial investors profiting at the expense of the last ones to buy in. Domains are generally considered to be a more stable and independent investment, but caution is still necessary in navigating the market. Always do your own research.

The wealthy have the ability to control the market and buy entire collections, making them powerful players in both bear and bull markets. In contrast, those who are struggling financially often have no choice but to sell during a bear market in order to pay rent or put food on the table, and may not have the resources to invest in the first place.

Many collections operate like pyramid schemes, with the initial investors profiting at the expense of the last ones to buy in. These collections often have a floor price that is artificially inflated, only to collapse later on. While collectors may be unconcerned with the fate of later investors, the collapse of a collection may result in a rug pull if the initiators exit the project.

When “flippers” (those who buy and sell quickly for profit) enter a collection or club, it is often a sign of a scam or a Ponzi scheme. The fight between collectors and flippers can make it difficult for those with limited resources to get involved or understand how to navigate the market.

In comparison, domains are generally considered to be a more stable and independent investment. However, it is important to take a critical look at the large number of different clubs and platforms and to form your own opinion.

Wealthy Investors Control Market, Leaving Poorer Investors Vulnerable. #dyor